
The historically boutique Prince’s Gate Hotel offers an extensive range of convenient facilities and a strong commitment to a tradition of true hospitality.

With two superb dining venues, on-site bar, live entertainment, thermal pools and sauna, our private hotel delivers all of the 4.5 star amenities to ensure that your stay at our Rotorua accommodation is a treasured memory.

The Prince’s Gate Hotel promises to deliver an elegant and comfortable experience to our guests through our impressive range of facilities and the assortment of luxurious rooms that we have to offer. It makes the perfect venue for celebrations and our range of event and function facilities will suit every type of occasion. You can be assured of being personally pampered in beautiful surroundings, with a committed team at the helm offering a warm welcome, superb food, peace and quiet or alternatively activities and adventures to enthral you.

We continue to offer the pleasures of a beautiful old house, a roaring fire and a refreshing cup of tea, and can also arrange many activities and adventures to do whilst you enjoy your stay with us.